WWW: Dyari - a fair attempt from you - I feel like you understand and are knowledgeable of CSPs.
EBI: However - not enough focus on key phrases of the question or application of key theories (e.g. Propp and Todorov)
Q1: 1
Q2: 5
Q3: 3
Q4: 6
- Adverts would be taken at face value in the 1950's
- Just coming out of post-war
- Very strong focus on whiteness and brightness conveys the idea that a woman should take pride in her appearance and her family and that they are a reflection of her ‘This’ll shake you, Mother!’
- Lady Leshurr subverts race/ethnicity stereotypes as it is uncommon for a black woman to be a grime music artist
- The use of grime music reinforces stereotypes as grime is a very popular genre in the BAME community
- Galaxy's packaging uses light brown and gold to create connotations of luxury; the slogan reinforces this as it says "Why have cotton when you can have silk?"
- The narrative structure follows Todorov’s theory of equilibrium
- The use of ‘Moon River’ is another intertextual reference to Audrey Hepburn’s films
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