WWW: Good first assessment, Dyari - lots of analysis using denotation and connotation of media texts. Good response on why charities use children in advertising (Q5)
EBI: More media terminology needed throughout your response (e.g. Q5, medium close up camera shot)
Q1) 0
Q2) 1
Q3) 5
Q4) 2
Q5) 2
Q6) 4
I did better on question 3 as I dove more into the connotations of the image; however I did not score higher as I didn't fully describe what the image connotes.
I did worse on question 5 as I didn't fully link my answer to media terms that refer to camera shots or mise-en-scene. I didn't use enough media terminology in that question.
I got around 5 marks on question 5; that's just between 4 and 6, meaning I'm level 2. This meant that my analysis was satisfactory, talking more about obvious/straight forward connotations. This also meant my focus on meanings/connotations in general was inconsistent, and I also used media terminology in a satisfactory way. To improve, firstly I should work more on my analysis skills for denotation and connotation. Secondly, I should focus more on the deeper meaning behind some connotations (e.g. what their intended purpose was, the specific type of people the product was made for, etc.), as I only focused on the general image and not the little details. Lastly, I should use more media terminology. Throughout this paper I haven't been using media terminology that much and I need to change that; it would show the examiner my knowledge of media and get me a much higher test score/grade.
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